Hawaii State Women's Golf Association

HSWGA By-Laws:
Article VI – Representatives

Section 1. The Representatives of the Association shall consist of one person from each member club, or alternate who shall act for the representatives in her absence including the right to vote.

Section 2. The means of selection and length of term of said representatives shall be made at the discretion of each member club.

Section 3. Each member club shall be responsible for filling any vacancy occurring during the term of office of their representative.

Section 4. As soon as the selection is made each member club must submit the name of their representative and alternate to the HSWGA membership chairman.

Member Club Representative Responsibilities
These are areas of responsibility HSWGA ask of the Club’s representative:

Keep your club abreast of HSWGA news and information.

Notify HSWGA Hole in One Chair of ACES from your members.

Encourage your club’s participation in HSWGA Tournaments and the Minis.

Attend Membership meetings or send an alternate.  You are your club’s voice to HSWGA.  Every Club Representative has a vote at meetings.  

Remind your club to renew the HSWGA membership and submit the annual dues to the association by January 1st.  Renewal forms are on the HSWGA website.

Update your club’s information with HSWGA.  Please include the President, Handicap Chair and Representative.  Provide name, phone number, cell phone and email.  A copy of your clubs roster should also be included.